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Can You Get a CDL with a DUI on Your Record

Posted on Monday, July 1st, 2024 at 9:00 am    

Can You Get a CDL with a DUI on Your Record Image

If you’re considering a career in commercial driving but have a DUI on your record in Florida, you might be curious about your options. The road to obtaining a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) with a DUI isn’t straightforward, but it’s not necessarily a dead end, either. While it’s technically possible to get a CDL after a DUI, the process comes with significant challenges and potential roadblocks that can impact your career prospects.

Understanding the implications of a DUI on your CDL aspirations is crucial for making informed decisions about your future in the trucking industry. The experienced Pensacola DUI defense attorneys of The Morris Firm can explain the complexities surrounding CDLs and DUIs in the Sunshine State.

Understanding DUI in Florida

In Florida, you can receive a DUI conviction if you’re found driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. For commercial drivers, the limit is even stricter at 0.04%. This lower threshold reflects the higher responsibility placed on CDL holders.

A DUI conviction carries harsh penalties, including:

  • Fines up to $1,000 for a first offense
  • License suspension
  • Possible jail time
  • Mandatory community service
  • Required completion of substance abuse programs

These consequences can be even more severe for commercial drivers.

Can You Get a CDL After a DUI?

Technically, you can obtain a CDL even with a DUI on your record. However, several factors make this challenging:

  • License Suspension: Your regular driver’s license will be suspended after a DUI. You can’t apply for a CDL without a valid regular license.
  • Waiting Period: You may need to wait until your disqualification period ends before applying for a CDL.
  • Employment Difficulties: Many employers are reluctant to hire drivers with DUIs on their records due to increased insurance costs and liability concerns.
  • Additional Requirements: You may face stricter scrutiny during the application process, including more frequent medical examinations or additional safety training courses.
  • Insurance Hurdles: Even if you obtain a CDL, finding affordable insurance coverage can be challenging with a DUI on your record, potentially making it difficult to secure employment.

How Long After a DUI Can You Get a CDL?

The waiting period for obtaining a CDL after a DUI varies depending on the circumstances:

  • For a first-offense DUI in a personal vehicle, you might face a one-year disqualification from holding a CDL.
  • The disqualification period could be longer if you were driving a commercial vehicle at the time of the DUI.
  • Multiple DUIs can result in a lifetime ban from holding a CDL.

It’s crucial to note that these are general guidelines. Each case is unique, and the exact timeline can vary from case to case.

What Happens if a Truck Driver Gets a DUI?

The consequences for a CDL holder who gets a DUI are severe:

  • Immediate CDL Suspension: Your CDL will be suspended immediately upon arrest.
  • Extended Disqualification: You may face a longer disqualification period compared to non-commercial drivers.
  • Job Loss: Most trucking companies have zero-tolerance policies for DUIs.
  • Future Employment Challenges: A DUI on your record can make it extremely difficult to find work as a commercial driver in the future.
  • Higher Penalties: If you were transporting hazardous materials at the time of the DUI, you could face even harsher penalties, such as a lifetime CDL disqualification.

Protecting Your CDL

Can You Get a CDL with a DUI on Your Record Image 2

If you’re a CDL holder or aspiring to become one, it’s crucial to protect your license:

  • Never drink and drive, even in your personal vehicle.
  • Be aware that the legal BAC limit for commercial drivers is lower (0.04%).
  • Understand that refusing a breathalyzer test can result in automatic CDL disqualification.

If you’re facing a DUI charge, seeking legal help immediately is essential. A skilled defense attorney may be able to:

  • Challenge the evidence against you
  • Negotiate for reduced charges
  • Help you retain your driving privileges

The Morris Firm has extensive experience handling DUI cases for commercial drivers. Our team understands the complexities of CDL regulations and can work to protect your livelihood.

Facing a DUI Charge? Contact The Morris Firm Today

While it’s possible to get a CDL with a DUI on your record in Florida, it’s a challenging process with significant obstacles. The best approach is to avoid driving under the influence altogether. However, if you are facing a DUI charge, don’t lose hope. With the right legal representation, you may be able to mitigate the damage and protect your career.

If you’re dealing with a DUI charge and concerned about getting or keeping your CDL, contact The Morris Firm today. Our experienced attorneys can provide the guidance and representation you need. Call us at (850) 503-2626 or use our online form to get your free consultation.